Date Added |
Description |
09/06/2004 |
Details of The Public Petitions Committee meeting held on 28th April when the MRSAG
petition was discussed can be viewed here. |
07/06/2004 |
A local artist from Cousland has created hand drawings of the 5 rural schools, which
you can still obtain. Full details can be found here. |
07/06/2004 |
A Schools' Funday was held at Temple Primary School on 6th June 2004, for all the
children, families, friends and communities who have worked so hard together over the past few months for the 5 rural schools.
Photos of the event can be viewed here. |
21/05/2004 |
The BBC Radio 4
programme, You and Yours, discussed the decision made by Midlothian Council on Thursday 20th May. Reporter Helen Ross spoke with
parents and pupils at Howgate, Donald MacKay and Irene Stewart. |
09/05/2004 |
Howgate Primary School held a balloon race on Friday 7 May. A balloon
for each pupil at all 5 of Midlothian's rural schools was released and a prize will go to the pupil whose balloon goes the furthest.
If you find a balloon, please email us with the details on the tag.
Details and photos of the race can be viewed here. |
06/05/2004 |
Minutes from the meeting between MRSAG and religious representatives on 29 April,
can be read here. |
05/05/2004 |
Photos of the politicians forums held at Cousland
Village Hall on 31 March 2004 have now been added. |
05/05/2004 |
Photos of the consultation meeting at Dalkeith
Primary Schools Campus on 25 March have now been added. |
28/04/2004 |
Two days before the end of consultation period, MRSAG are homing in on
their campaign and we really fancy our chances now.:-) |
27/04/2004 |
They're back, new and improved, refreshed and recycled, the MRSAG placards
will be appearing at a location near you soon! |
26/04/2004 |
Most people should be aware of the school closures in the Scottish Borders, well
this page has some details and links regarding the campaign to save those schools. |
26/04/2004 |
A publication found on the Scottish Executive's website
makes several recommendations on tackling poverty and social exclusion in rural areas. |
26/04/2004 |
Representatives from MRSAG met with members of Midlothian Council on Monday 26th
to discuss the rural school closure proposals. A document detailing the issues of our campaign has
been presented to the council members and is available on the campaign issues link. |
23/04/2004 |
The MRSAG march and rally took place on 23rd April, details and photos
can be viewed here. |
22/04/2004 |
The Public Petitions Committee will be discussing the MRSAG Petition recently presented
to the Scottish Parliament. Details of the petition can be found here. |
21/04/2004 |
Pupils from the 5 rural schools gathered
at Borthwick Primary School on Monday 19th April to send a message to Midlothian Council. |
18/04/2004 |
The MRSAG march and rally will take place on 23rd April, details
can be viewed here. If you would like to use one of the buses arranged to take supporters to Dalkeith,
please advise us as soon as possible. |
17/04/2004 |
The Scottish Countryside Alliance have shown their support by backing our campaign. |
14/04/2004 |
Several posters have been produced to support our campaign
and can be downloaded here for you to print yourself. |
02/04/2004 |
As fast as the council take them down, we're putting up new ones! |
01/04/2004 |
MRSAG Representatives submitted their petition, to The Scottish Parliament. |
31/03/2004 |
MRSAG Representatives met with John Swinney, Shadow First Minister to discuss the campaign. |
30/03/2004 |
Howgate's 55 points against closure
as presented at the public consultation meeting on 22 March. |
30/03/2004 |
14 Howgate pupils delivered an invite to their school on the 12th March. |
27/03/2004 |
New posters, placards and banners are popping up everywhere! |
25/03/2004 |
At the Public Consultation Meeting at Gorebridge on Tuesday 23 March, Borthwick's
presentation included a document supporting their school - it can be viewed here. |
24/03/2004 |
Posters and Banners are being painted and are popping up
everywhere! |
23/03/2004 |
Lesley Riddoch and her Radio Scotland show came to Temple Village Hall for
a debate! |
22/03/2004 |
Borthwick Church recently published some items on the school closures
here. |
21/03/2004 |
Midlothian Federation of Community Councils
had a meeting on 17/03/04. The minutes can be found here. |
16/03/2004 |
Justin Ryan and Colin McAllister visit Borthwick |