MRSAG PetitionThe Midlothian Rural Schools Action Group presented a petition to the Scottish Parliament on 1st April 2004. A photo can be viewed here. Petition PE725 - Link to Public Petitions Committee and petition Petition calling for the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Executive to restore the presumption against closure of rural schools and that any departure from this presumption in individual cases shall be on the grounds of the balance of educational advantage to the children of those schools being clearly and independently demonstrated. On Wednesday 28th April at 10am, the Public Petitions Committee heard supporting evidence from MRSAG representative Richard Lock. This took place in the main debating chamber with the committee and MSPs present. All 8 MSPs who sit on the committee agreed to write to Peter Peacock and the Executive to urge them to come up with some new guidelines. The details of this meeting can be viewed here. It may be too late for any actions resulting from this petition to help our campaign, however it will hopefully lead to Scottish Executive guidelines that will prevent further rural school closures throughout the whole of Scotland. MRSAG are grateful for the help and support from Rhona Brankin, MSP, on this matter. Last Updated : 30 March 2005 |